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Benefits of one-to-one learning

One-to-one instruction allows a student to learn and interact with a teacher individually, with instruction tailored to the student's own personal capabilities, goals and interests. Research has consistently shown that this method of instruction produces superior outcomes when compared with instruction delivered in traditional multi-student classroom settings. More importantly, having dedicated time and attention is likely to produce more positive and comfortable learning experiences.


The graphic below shows just some of the ways young people may benefit from working in the Little Flower Learning Classroom. 

Personalised learning

Programs are tailored to the student's specific goals in consultation with parents and carers. 

Specialist communication

Learn with a trained and skilled communication partner using appropriate alternative and augmented communication (AAC). 


Hands-on, interactive and fun learning in a context which is relevant to the experiences of young people.

Comfort and confidence

Students can ask questions without the pressure of a group environment. Learning can progress at the students own pace.

deeper learning

One-on-one sessions allow for concepts to be explored in depth to assist with understanding and retention.

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